
  • Mon evenings at 7:30pm Marches Arena Online. Contact Kieran Lappin.
  • ECF online. Tournaments most days
  • Mon 10 Mar, on BBC2. Chessmasters: The Endgame. Starts at 8pm.
  • Sun 11 May, Delancey UK Chess Challenge Herefordshire Megafinal at Hereford Cathedral School, The Zimmerman Building, Church Street, Hereford, HR1 2LT. Megafinals start at 9:30am, six rounds rapidplay, time control 15 min + 10 sec, Prizes for highest boy and girl scorers in each year group.

Recent news

Death of Hereford player

6 Feb, Lee Davis reports. Longstanding stalwart of Hereford Chess Club and former county champion, Les Collard has passed away. Les was individual champion of Herefordshire first in 1966 and then went on to win the title four further times and shared the title on seven occasions most recently in 2010, a span of high class chess over 50 years. He won the Hereford City Championship in 1976 and was joint champion in 1992. The funeral will take place on Tuesday 18 March at 10:15 am at Hereford Crematorium.

Leominster Junior champion 2024

Leominster champions

17 Dec 2024, Ben reports. The new champion is Stephen Priestley and Junior Champion is Lewis Mears. Runners-up were John Preece and in the junior section Rufus Jackson. Pictures: Ben.

Leominster Chess Champion 2024
Shropshire champion takes on Leominster

Nathanael Paul concedes single draw in simul at Leominster

29 Aug 2024. Nathanael took on thirteen players in his simultaneous exhibition at Leominster . Only one of his opponents escaped with a draw Steve Taylor. Nathanael is the current individual champion of Shropshire.

Hereford champion plays for Wales at Krakow

11 Jul 2024. Lee Davis played board 2 for Wales in the FIDE World Senior Championships held at Krakow. He scored 3 points from 8 games.

Hereford Cathedral School in national schools final

27 & 28 Jun 2024. The school A team travelled to Nottingham HS for this five-round contest. Seeded 19th out of 26 teams, the school finished with two wins against Royal GS Newcastle and The Grammar School at Leeds, and three losses. The team's highest scoring player was Scott Stephens who played in all five rounds without losing a single game. Richard Croot was the team manager. See full results.

New club Leominster trounces Worcester

11 & 18 Jun 2024. New club Leominster payed two friendly matches. Their first match was loss to Hereford but they trounced Worcester 6½-2½ (See full result).

For older news click archive


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