Worcester City Chess Club
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Published 14 October 2024

All-play-all Club rapidplay Championship 2024-5

Rapidplay All-Play-All Championship 2024-5

Results up to 14 Oct

Player DL SC JR RS Total
Dorin Luca (1746) x   0,0   0
Scott Oxtoby (1630)   x   1,1 2
Joe Rastall (1937) 1,1   x   2
Rob Sutton ((1750)       x 0

Competition format and dates

The format will broadly follow that adopted in previous seasons, with one twist. As before, the time control will be 20 minutes plus 10 second increments, to follow that adopted by the County Association (WCA). Notation (recording your moves) is not required. However, unlike previous seasons, there will be no 'finals' to determine the overall Rapidplay Champion, with the completed League standing (in early May) determining the winner.

All matches will be formally rated and submitted to the ECF (via LMS); thus ECF membership (alongside WCCC membership) is required. Match results need to be reported to the Competition Secretary noting which player took white. All usual WCA (ECF) rules for Rapidplay apply (i.e. time control following illegal moves, etc..).

Participants will be able to play the same opponent twice (but no more), with colours reversed for the second match (preferably playing both matches on the same night, but this isn’t compulsory). Unlike the Standardplay Championship there is no deadline for expressions of interest to participate in the Rapidplay Championship, with old or new members able join at any point during the season.

Matches will be organised amongst yourselves; starting with immediate effect and running up until (and including) Thursday 8th May 2025. No need to (and please don’t!) include the Competition Secretary in your communications to arrange matches.

Ten Thursday evenings across the season have been set aside, free from League fixtures or other events, to allow matches to be organised and more games to be played. Games can be played on any Thursday night, but emails will be sent in the days leading up to "Rapidplay Evenings" to advertise the opportunity. Also, a poster will be put on the "admin table" summarising the rules and regulations; the results and current standings; names of participants; and the forthcoming 'Evenings' for play. The Evenings this side of Xmas are as follows:

*     7th November; and
*     21st November

There are some complicated regulations regarding participants intentionally avoiding playing certain players to improve their potential performance. I won't bore you with these details; because I know none of you would be behave so unscrupulously! All disputes will be resolved by the Competitions Secretary, who has the final judgment on all matters.

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